Ana Gabriel celebra 50 años de exitosa carrera y  anuncia el paso de su gira por EEUU y Canadá

Ana Gabriel celebra 50 años de exitosa carrera y anuncia el paso de su gira por EEUU y Canadá

Ana Gabriel celebra 50 años de exitosa carrera y anuncia el paso de su gira por EEUU y Canadá con “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024”, de la mano de CMN

Con más de 24 ciudades confirmadas, La Luna de América, Ana Gabriel, anuncia el paso de su gira “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024” por Estados Unidos y Canadá, una vez más bajo la plataforma global de la compañía latina líder de entretenimiento en vivo CMN.

Miami, 6 de mayo de 2024

Tras el rotundo éxito de “Por Amor a Ustedes World Tour” en 2023, la multipremiada cantautora mexicana Ana Gabriel cumple 50 años de carrera artística con “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024”, con el que desde inicios de este año ha conquistado varias ciudades de México y Latinoamérica; y ahora se prepara para su paso por más de 24 ciudades de Estados Unidos y Canadá a partir de septiembre.

Esta nueva gira llega, una vez más, de la mano de la compañía latina líder de entretenimiento en vivo CMN, quienes prometen como siempre un espectáculo inolvidable a la altura de la imponente trayectoria artística de Ana Gabriel, reconocida recientemente por Billboard como Leyenda Viviente en la música latina, con más de 30 álbumes grabados, más de 20 de sus éxitos posicionados en el Top 10 de la lista Hot Latin Songs de Billboard, incluyendo seis impresionantes números 1 y convirtiéndose además en una de las artistas hispanas más taquilleras a nivel mundial.

La gira por Norteamérica “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024” comienza el 13 de septiembre en el Prudential Center de Newark, NJ, y se paseará por sus principales arenas hasta el 30 de noviembre con un gran cierre de gira en el Kaseya Center de Miami, donde la intérprete de “Cosas del Amor”, “Evidencias”, “Hechizo”, entre otros tantos hits, seguirá llenando de amor y buena música a sus fieles seguidores, quienes podrán disfrutar de sus mejores éxitos.

Ana Gabriel inició la primera parte de la gira en su natal México, con más de 15 conciertos desbordados de emociones con sus muy amados fans que reafirman una y otra vez que la Luna de América sí es profeta en su tierra. Todo esto lo compartió la artista a través de su cuenta, invitando a sus nuevas fechas en el Cono Sur y ahora en Norteamérica: “Acompáñenme en esta aventura de 50, sí, de 50, y así, poder abrazarlos de nuevo con mi música, ese es mi deseo y mi anhelo más grande. Y será para siempre”.

Al respecto, Henry Cardenas CEO de CMN Cardenas Marketing Network, expresa: “para nosotros en CMN, contar y producir las giras de una artista ícono de la música como Ana Gabriel, siempre será motivo de orgullo. Su dedicación y entrega con sus fans nos compromete, como productora, en cada tour a ejecutar shows de gran altura y calidad”.

En Estados Unidos y Canadá la preventa comenzará el jueves 9 mayo  a las 10am hora local y la venta al público general se activará el viernes 10 de mayo a las 10am hora local.

Las fechas oficiales de “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024” son:

Acerca de CMN

CMN es la compañía latina líder de entretenimiento en vivo en Estados Unidos, con alcance e influencia en todo el continente. Desarrollando constantemente proyectos en el mundo de la música, el arte y los deportes, es ejemplo multicultural de organización y emprendimiento. – @cmnevents

Ana Gabriel celebrates 50 years of a successful career and announces the leg of her United States and Canada "UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024" produced by CMN.

With more than 24 confirmed cities, The Moon of America, Ana Gabriel, announces the passage of her tour “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024” through the United States and Canada, once again under the global platform of the leading Latin entertainment company CMN.

Miami, 6 de mayo de 2024

Following the resounding success of “Por Amor a Ustedes World Tour” in 2023, the multi-award-winning Mexican singer-songwriter Ana Gabriel celebrates 50 years of an artistic career with “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024”, with which she has conquered several cities in Mexico and Latin America since the beginning of this year, and now she is preparing for her tour through more than 24 cities in the United States and Canada starting in September.

This new tour comes once again hand in hand with the leading Latin entertainment company CMN, who as always promises an unforgettable show at the level of Ana Gabriel’s imposing artistic career, recently recognized by Billboard as a Living Legend in Latin music, with more than 30 albums recorded, more than 20 of her hits positioned in the Top 10 of Billboard’s Hot Latin Songs list, including six impressive Number 1’s and also becoming one of the highest-grossing Hispanic artists worldwide.

The North American tour “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024” begins on September 13 at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, and will visit its main arenas until November 30 with a great tour finale at the Kaseya Center in Miami, where the interpreter of “Cosas del Amor,” “Evidencias,” “Hechizo,” among other hits, will continue to fill her loyal followers with love and good music who will be able to enjoy her best hits.

Ana Gabriel started the first part of the tour in her native Mexico with more than 15 concerts overflowing with emotions with her beloved fans who reaffirm time and time again that The Moon of America is indeed a prophet in her own land. The artist shared all of this through her account inviting her fans to join her on “this adventure of 50, yes, 50, and thus, to be able to embrace them again with her music, that is my wish and my greatest desire. And It Will Be Forever”.

Regarding this, Henry Cardenas CEO of CMN Cardenas Marketing Network, expresses “for us at CMN, counting and producing the tours of an iconic artist like Ana Gabriel will always be a source of pride, her dedication and commitment to her fans commit us as a production company in each tour to execute shows of great height and quality.”

In the United States and Canada, the presale will begin on Thursday, May 9, at 10 am local time, and the general public sale will be activated on Friday, May 10, at 10 am local time.

The official dates of “UN DESEO MÁS TOUR 2024” are:

About CMN

CMN is the leading Latin live entertainment company in the United States, with reach and influence throughout the continent. Constantly developing projects in the world of music, art, and sports, it is a multicultural example of organization and entrepreneurship. – @cmnevents

Baila Conmigo Fest llenó, cumplió y llegó para quedarse

Baila Conmigo Fest llenó, cumplió y llegó para quedarse

Baila Conmigo Fest llenó, cumplió y llegó para quedarse

Miami vivió una noche para la historia con el Baila Conmigo Fest, donde más de 8 mil personas de todas las edades se unieron para bailar sin parar durante más de seis horas en un evento organizado por CMN.

 Apr 3, 2024

La experiencia única marcó el inicio de un evento anual imperdible y el comienzo de un festival que crecerá año tras año, permitiendo que la música tropical se siga expandiendo.

El festival fue un reencuentro histórico en el escenario con artistas legendarios como Eddy Herrera, Sergio Vargas, Ilegales, Proyecto Uno, Binomio de Oro, Kinito Méndez, Rikarena, Fulanito, Diveana y Puerto Rican Power, quienes brindaron actuaciones memorables que cautivaron al público y mostraron la diversidad y riqueza de la música tropical.

Los presentadores del festival fueron los reconocidos influencers Beta Mejía, Nangel Menez, Tiby Camacho, Mariale Canónico, Richard Encanto, Yohana Vargas y Alexandra Olavarría, quienes representaron a Miami como la capital de los latinos.

Baila Conmigo Fest no solo se destacó por su increíble música y artistas, sino también por la organización impecable a cargo de CMN, que garantizó una experiencia fluida y llena de energía para todos los asistentes.

Los participantes disfrutaron de una experiencia diferente, con deliciosa comida, vista al mar y el clima perfecto. Todo, mientras celebraban un aire nuevo para la música tropical que llegó para quedarse.

La euforia y la alegría de la multitud reflejaron el éxito del evento, y ya se están planeando emocionantes novedades para la edición de 2025 de Baila Conmigo Fest, prometiendo un crecimiento continuo y la expansión de la música tropical a través de este festival anual.

Manuel Correa, ejecutivo de CMN y director del festival, expresó su entusiasmo por el logro alcanzado: “Fue todo un reto hacer este festival en Miami, pero teníamos la confianza de que estos artistas y su música permanecían en el corazón de las personas, y que solo estaban esperando el momento perfecto para reconectarse. Desde hoy, comenzamos a pensar en CMN en Baila Conmigo Fest 2025”.

La puntualidad y la logística impecable también fueron destacadas por los asistentes, quienes ya están ansiosos por una nueva versión del festival.

Para más información sobre Baila Conmigo Fest y estar al tanto de las últimas novedades, puedes seguir la cuenta oficial en Instagram:

Acerca de CMN

CMN es la compañía latina líder de entretenimiento en vivo en Estados Unidos, con alcance e influencia en todo el continente. Desarrollando constantemente proyectos en el mundo de la música, el arte y los deportes, es ejemplo multicultural de organización y emprendimiento. – @cmnevents

Best Moments From Baila Conmigo Fest: Sergio Vargas, Proyecto Uno, Ilegales & More

Best Moments From Baila Conmigo Fest: Sergio Vargas, Proyecto Uno, Ilegales & More

Best Moments From Baila Conmigo Fest: Sergio Vargas, Proyecto Uno, Ilegales & More

Baila Conmigo Fest’s diverse lineup included several legends of merengue hits, such as Sergio Vargas, Proyecto Uno, Ilegales, & more.

 Apr 3, 2024

Best Moments From Baila Conmigo Fest

Miami experienced a full night of Merengue classics and Vallenato on Saturday (March 30) with Baila Conmigo Fest, an event organized by CMN where more than 8,000 people of all ages came together at the Miami Marine Stadium on Virginia Key, Fla.

Baila Conmigo Fest’s diverse lineup included several merengue legends, such as Sergio Vargas, Proyecto Uno, Ilegales, Kinito Méndez, Eddy Herrera, Rikarena, Fulanito, Diveana, Puerto Rican Power and the legendary Colombian vallenato group Binomio de Oro.

Manuel Correa, executive of CMN and festival director, expressed his excitement about the accomplishment of holding the festival in Miami. He mentioned that it was a significant challenge, but CMN was confident that the music and artists would find a place in people’s hearts, knowing that fans were waiting for the perfect moment to reconnect. See below some highlights from the festival.

The Golden Age of Merengue

Latin pride was celebrated on a nostalgic night filled with hits from the 80s, 90s and the 2000s, connecting several Latin American countries.

Kinito Méndez’s set wouldn’t have been complete without him singing “Cachamba” and “El Baile del Sua Sua,” one of the great classics. Eddy Herrera sang “Pégame Tu Vicio,” “Tu Eres Ajena” and “Carolina,” which were some of the favorites of the night and Sergio Vargas gave an impeccable voice performance navigating between classics such as “La Ventanita,” “Vete y Dile” and more.

Ilegales and Proyecto Uno Take Fans on a Nostalgic Trip

As part of their sets, both tropical groups delivered merengue-packed performances, adding a fusion of metal sound with electric guitars to their hits “La Morena” and “Taqui, Taqui.” 

The incredible night was closed by Proyecto Uno, who wrapped the show with a bang. They had a giant inflatable shark on stage and fresh guitar arrangements for their songs “Está Pegao,” “El Tiburón” and the sweet classic “25 hrs,” among others. To everyone’s surprise, singer-songwriter Mark “The Mad Stuntman” also appeared as a special guest and performed “Latinos” alongside Proyecto Uno. He also performed his smash hit “I Like to Move It.”

Punctuality and Impeccable Event Logistics

Last but not least, the event logistics were exceptional, ensuring a seamless and energetic experience for all attendees to enjoy music in a family-friendly environment.



March 25, 2025 | NEWS



Los Angeles, March 13, 2024 – AEG Presents, a global leader in concert promotion and live events, announced today that it has entered into a partnership with Cárdenas Marketing Network (CMN), the Chicago-based international Latin music powerhouse. The deal combines the world’s number 2 and number 3 live event companies, and in doing so catapults AEG Presents to the world leader in live Latin Music. The two companies will work together to create elevated and expanded experiences for both artists and audiences globally, with each benefiting from this complementary strategic alliance.

“We are excited to partner with AEG Presents, one of the most powerful global forces in live entertainment. I have known Jay Marciano for over 40 years and have deep respect for all his accomplishments and the tremendous business that he has built at AEG Presents. Together we look forward to making an even greater impact on the explosive growth in the Latin market” commented Henry Cardenas, CMN Founder and CEO.

“Henry is a true entrepreneur and visionary, and what he and his team have built is simply awe-inspiring. We have been looking to expand our presence in Latin music and concerts for quite some time, and it was important that we took the time to find the right partner; we found it in Henry and CMN,” commented Jay Marciano, AEG Presents Chairman and CEO. “AEG Presents has always placed a premium on preserving the identity and unique voice of our partner brands while providing them with the support and infrastructure to expand their reach and influence. Cárdenas Marketing Network is the most recognized and trusted name in Latin concert promotion, and we are so proud to welcome Henry and his team to the family.”

CMN, founded by music entrepreneur Henry Cárdenas in 2001, is a major force in Latin music and sports, promoting global tours from such notable artists as Marc Anthony, Bad Bunny, J. Balvin, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Chayanne, Ana Gabriel, and Nicky Jam, among many others. Most recently, CMN launched the largest global Latin music tour with Luis Miguel, one of the most prolific Latin artists and six-time Grammy winner, with over 200 performances. In the world of sports, CMN has been a leader in promoting some of the most iconic friendly soccer matches in the United States, including the prestigious “El Clásico” match between Argentina and Brazil at MetLife stadium and the first soccer game at Lambeau Field between Bayern Munich and Manchester City.

AEG Presents is one of the world’s largest live event companies, with a portfolio of tours, festivals, venues, subsidiaries, and partners that include some of the biggest and most recognizable names in in the world: the company promotes tours from BLACKPINK, Celine Dion, Elton John, Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, and Tyler, The Creator, among many others. Its festival portfolio includes globally renowned events such as the British Summertime Hyde Park, The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, Electric Forest, New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, Rock En Seine, and Stagecoach. The company’s group of music venues features such iconic music destinations as Brooklyn Steel, Eventim Apollo Theatre, Mission Ballroom, and Webster Hall, plus forthcoming venues The Pinnacle in Nashville, TN and The Olympia in London, UK. Its combination of wholly owned subsidiaries and partner brands are comprised of promotion companies The Bowery Presents, Concerts West, Goldenvoice, Marshall Arts and Messina Touring Group.

About AEG Presents

Combining the power of the live event with a focus on true artist development, AEG Presents is a world leader in the music and entertainment industries. Operating across five continents, the company has an unparalleled commitment to artistry, creativity, and community. Its tentpole festivals and multi-day music events — which include the iconic Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival and the legendary New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival alongside British Summer Time at Hyde Park, Stagecoach, Hangout Festival, Electric Forest, Rock En Seine and All Points East — continue to set the bar for the live music experience. AEG Presents promotes global tours for artists such as Justin Bieber, Blackpink, Kenny Chesney, Celine Dion, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Katy Perry, The Rolling Stones, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, and Tyler, The Creator, in addition to — through its network of clubs, theatres, arenas, stadiums and renowned partner brands such as The Bowery Presents, Cárdenas Marketing Network, Concerts West, Frontier Touring, Goldenvoice, Marshall Arts, Messina Touring Group, PromoWest Productions, and Zero Mile Presents — creating and developing an unmatched infrastructure for artist development and audience reach. More information can be found at

About CMN

CMN is the leading Latin live entertainment company in the United States, with reach and influence across the entire continent. Continuously developing projects in the realms of music, art, and sports, CMN serves as a multicultural example of organization and entrepreneurship. Recently, they have acquired the agency of record title for the Hispanic focused promotion and media strategy for Family Entertainment icons FELD Entertainment, Professional Bull Riders (PBR) & Harlem Globetrotters. For more information, visit or follow @cmnevents.


Hogan Lovells served as legal advisor to AEG Presents.

Cabrera Capital Markets served as investment bankers and Mayer Brown served as legal advisor to CMN.

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Esther Beniflah Waxman –

AEG Presents

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Ana Gabriel – Nuevo Sencillo

Ana Gabriel – Nuevo Sencillo

Ana Gabriel – Nuevo Sencillo
March 25, 2025 | NEWS

Ana Gabriel le rinde homenaje en vivo a dos icónicas voces de la música: Juan Gabriel y Rocio Durcal con esta espectacular canción “No Me Digas” – un sencillo totalmente nuevo de nuestra Luna de America #AnaGabriel